California school district curriculum teaching kids that there's 10 sexual orientations and 8 genders

California school district curriculum teaching kids that there's 10 sexual orientations and 8 genders

A California district called Newport-Mesa's health education textbooks claimed there are over 10 sexual orientations and eight genders, Fox News Digital has learned.

A textbook ordered by the Newport-Mesa district called "Comprehensive Health Skills for High School" claims that there are eight different gender identities,

The Newport-Mesa school district's curriculum also said that there were 10 different sexual orientations.

"They are sexualizing our kids and normalizing sexual behavior [at a young age]," a mom in the district, Alicia Beget, told Fox News Digital.

"We are placing them in a situation where they think that this is safe, that this is healthy, this is how we show love. And so they are being exploited by very evil people," Beget said.

"This is part of a larger agenda that those at the very top are well aware of what they're doing," Beget said.

Fox News Digital previously reported that the district instructed students on gender using a "Genderbread" man in sex education class.

The "Genderbread Identity" man was found by public records request in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District sex-ed curriculum it purchased called "Teen Talk," which is used for middle and high school students. Teen Talk is taught to thousands of students throughout California.

Fox News Digital reached out to the district for comment, and they said, "We follow the state-adopted standards for health education, which includes sexual health. We use a state-approved health curriculum with select modules, taught by credentialed teachers."

They continued, "Parents can opt out their child from participating in comprehensive sex education. Parents also have the ability to review all curriculum taught in our schools so that they can be well-informed and make the best decisions for their child. We understand that there are varying viewpoints and beliefs and we follow California State Standards for curriculum, while also supporting parent choice."


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