Joe Biden Becomes 16th Freemason President in US History on His Final Day

Former President Joe Biden, a Catholic, joined a historically Black Freemason lodge just one day before leaving the presidency. This action could lead to punishment under Catholic Church law, including being barred from communion and possibly excommunication.
For hundreds of years, the Catholic Church has strongly opposed Freemasonry. In 1821, Pope Pius VII called secret societies like the Freemasons “a cancer for society.” Later, Pope Leo XII echoed this condemnation.
In 1983, the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, led by Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger (later Pope Benedict XVI), reaffirmed that Masonic beliefs clash with Catholic teachings. The Church warned that Catholics who join the Freemasons commit a serious sin and are not allowed to receive Communion.
Biden was granted "Master Mason membership" with "full honors" on January 19 at the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons in South Carolina. The lodge issued a statement recognizing Biden for his "outstanding service to the United States."
Prince Hall Freemasonry, named after its 1775 founder—a freed African slave—is a historically Black branch of Freemasonry. According to MasonicFind, Biden is now the 16th U.S. president to become a Freemason.
The Freemasons are a secret society known for their rituals, traditions, and requirement that members believe in a "supreme being."
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