Russia offers residency to foreigners opposed to Western neoliberal policies

Russia offers residency to foreigners opposed to Western neoliberal policies

Russia has declared itself a "safe haven" for people from Western countries who want to escape "destructive neoliberal ideas."

Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree saying that Moscow will help foreign nationals apply for temporary residence in Russia without needing to meet the usual requirements, like proving knowledge of the Russian language, history, or laws, according to Russian state media.

People interested in temporary residency can apply for visas through a simpler and faster process, with three-month visas expected to be issued as early as next month.

Applicants can seek residency based on their rejection of what the decree calls their home countries' "destructive neoliberal ideals," which it says are different from "traditional Russian spiritual and moral values." Russia is expected to release a list of countries that qualify for this exception, as reported by TASS.

This kind of talk has appeared in the Russian leader's speeches before. In 2022, Putin called the West "satanic" and said it had turned away from "moral norms" and "traditional" values. In his Victory Day speech in 2023, he also criticized "Western globalist elites" for destroying "family and traditional values ​​that make a person human."

Russia's new visa policies seem to be based on this way of thinking.

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